Saddle Brook Goldens Puppy Contract

Date of Birth _________ Litter number _________

New Owner:                                          

Address:                                             City                                     State               Zip       

Phone                                                 E- Mail                                                    

Puppy Sex Preferred:                                                                           

If preferred sex is not available, do you wish to 

Choose another sex     Receive full refund     

Pick from another litter  

   We do our best to only take a certain number of deposits for a litter, however if we are not able to meet your deposit you can either receive a full refund or be moved to another liter with you original deposit date. Deposits are accepted in order of postmarked date and or date received via other means.

   We take the responsibility of placing these puppies very seriously. We reserve the right to cancel the contract if any information has been given from the buyer either verbal or written that is false, misleading and or would prove to be an unfit environment or match.

   We do our best to certify and screen our dogs for any potential health problems. For these golden retriever litters, we offer the following guarantees

A complete refund of original purchase price is offered for any of the following defects diagnosed no later than 4 yrs of age:

1. Crippling hip dysplasia requiring surgery or euthanasia

2. Genetic eye problems causing blindness

For lesser problems that should in no way affect the working ability of the dog we offer a 50% refund of the original purchase price of the pup

1. Mild or moderate hip dysplasia reading from OFA no later than 4 yrs of age

2. non-affecting but non certifiable eye problems no later than 4 yrs of age

The following conditions apply for any full or partial refunds

1. The dog must not have been bred at any time prior to the findings

2. The x rays to support a finding of hereditary hip dysplasia must be taken prior to ninety days after the dogs second birthday

3. A bitch must not have been x-rayed within 1 month of a heat cycle, start or finish. According to the OFA, and veterinary resources a bitch in heat has more subluxation in her joints and the results of an exam at that time may be compromised.

4. A dog must be maintained in healthy physical condition, receive proper nutrition, exercise regularly, and NOT overweight for his or her height. OFA and veterinary resources state a dog that is not regularly exercised or is overweight has more subluxation in the joints and the results of an exam at that time maybe compromised.

5. The dog must not have suffered at any time a trauma or injury to the area in question, I.E. rough housing with another dog, jumping from heights above a couple of feet.

6. Written documentation is required from two qualified veterinarians or veterinary specialists, I.E. ophthalmologists / cardiologist. We may at our expense also obtain an additional, third veterinary opinion.

   We must receive copies of OFA (x-rays) or ophthalmologist exams with in thirty days of diagnosis. Refunds are only made on the condition that the owner has made a serious effort to train the dog and has maintained the dog in a healthy and well exercised environment with proper nutrition. Dog covered by contract has been spayed or neutered and we receive a veterinary certificate stating this by his or her second birthday or approximate. If the animal has been bred this contract is null and void. The guarantee applies to the original purchaser and does not transfer to new owners if sold.

Purchase price     $                                                          

Deposit amount __$800.00_                              

Balance due    $  ________                                             

Payment Type   Cash/certified money order               Due Date  Upon pick up      

Deposits made before litter is whelped are refundable if the sex and type is not evident by seven days after whelping or you can be placed first on list with next breeding. Pups will be selected at 8wks old and go home date will be selected at birth. Puppies not able to go home at scheduled pick up time may be subject to additional fees without prior arrangement. Skipped pick up times are treated as an immediate cancellation and will not receive any refund. We do not ship puppies by themselves, travel arrangements must be made prior to pick up. Payment is due in full before pup leaves home.

Puppies go home with the following: AKC Limited individual registration papers, Puppy care packet, vaccination chart, nutrition information, food, collar & microchipped.

Buyer agrees to register said puppy withing 3 months of transfer & to spay/neuter said puppy before it reaches two years of age. Purchaser will provider seller with a veterinaries letter as proof. If buyer fails to do so by the dog’s 3rd birthday, rights and ownership of the dog will automatically terminate and revert back to the seller who may immediately assume possession of the dog. Any additional fees incurred in the process such as legal fees will be the responsibility of the buyer. (Spaying and neutering your dog can potentially help to avoid reproductive related problems such as tumors, pyometra, false pregnancy, prostate infections and old age cancers). It is understood that all puppies are sold with limited AKC registration.

Lastly the buyer agrees to all the above, as well as to the duties of being a responsible dog owner. This includes but is not limited to: Proper nutrition and healthy weight, regular veterinary visits and vaccination schedule, exercise, obedience and or field training.

If the buyer can no longer keep this dog breeder must be contacted first and have a first right to refusal.


New Owner Signature


Litter Owner Signature
