Some of our beautifully bred golden retrievers.

English cream goldens, White Golden retrievers, Rare European platinum retrievers, there are numerous names for these beautiful light-colored goldens & there are also a lot of myths about them. Whether these dogs come from Europe or America, the golden retriever can vary in color from light & almost white to dark red in color. These cream golden retrievers are not rarer or better tempered then other goldens. It all comes down to one standard & generations of exceptional breeding. What truly matters is a dog’s pedigree and how they are nurtured during their upbringing. If a dog has healthy, good-tempered parents, grandparents, etc., then you will have good-tempered dogs, no matter what color they are. There is one AKC standard to adhere to, per the American Kennel Club. This standard does not deviate regardless of color or where the dog came from, I.E. European vs. American.

english cream golden retriever breeders southern california

Bred by Saddle Brook Goldens

With years of careful breeding & adhering to the AKC golden standard, we have carefully combined European lines as well as conformation, hunting, & scent traits. We chose golden retrievers for our girls, based on producing the best possible outcome. We look at everything from temperament to agility, conformation, intelligence & much more. Our lines consist of breeding to top American, French, Spanish, Ukrainian & Canadian lines. At the end of the day Saddle Brook Fram produces correct, healthy, happy golden retriever puppies.

If interested, please read about our puppy process or contact us with further questions, thank you.

Stud dogs used in our lines.